Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Formal Recruitment Process - Does it work for you?

Signs that the normal recruitment process doesn't work for you:

  • Your job search last longer than 3 months.
  • You haven't received any requests for interviews in over a month.
  • You get automated rejection emails before the job posting has even closed.
  • You actually think that someone is going to call you 30 days after you submitted your application.
I could write more signs but I think you get the point. The point is that the formal recruitment process isn't for everyone. It is a process that has a specific recipe for success. Some people learn the recipe by working with a seasoned career coach. Others learn the recipe through trial and error. And still, others just have that "it factor" and are blessed to have the skills to communicate it in a way that put their resume at the front of the pile.

So what do you do if the formal recruitment process doesn't work for you? Seek help from a competent career coach asap! You can't appreciate the value of a career coach until you have wasted months on a dead-end job search. And those months have a cost because each month that you remain unemployed or underemployed is costing you money. It is much better to carefully evaluate the opportunity cost of not paying for the services of a career coach. The money you lose by pursuing a recruitment process that is not working for you far outweighs the investment you would pay a career coach.

There are many reasons why the formal recruitment process isn't working for you. But clearly you don't know those reasons or you wouldn't still be job searching after 6 months. So do the smart thing and pay the career coach their worth! As they say in the legal field, "he who represents himself has a fool for a client".

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About Roderick Lewis

What percentage of time do you spend at work doing the things that you do best or are passionate about?

Was your employer transparent about its workplace environment?