Sunday, April 1, 2012

Don't Be The Job Search "Fool"

In some parts of the world, the first day of April is considered April Fool's Day. Some of your closest friends will undoubtedly pull a prank or two on you. And of course, you might just pull a few yourself. Of course, someone always takes a joke too far, but usually it's just harmless fun. While you prepare to fool your unsuspecting friends today, let me remind you that every day is April Fool's Day for the average job seeker who dutifully applies online.

If you want to stop being a job search fool who is constantly being fooled by corporate recruiters, then I suggest you learn how the game is really played - the corporate recruitment game.

My new book, "The Corporate Recruitment Game" is now available!

About Roderick Lewis

What percentage of time do you spend at work doing the things that you do best or are passionate about?

Was your employer transparent about its workplace environment?